Friday, 28 August 2015

Pre School - A Pre Test of Parent for Good School

Pre School or Play School is a new phenomenon for new age parents. Probably 9 out of 10 would not have gone through this experience in their childhood. It becomes endless search for the parents especially first timers to find a right pre school for their kids. It becomes even more painful because most parents do not know what to look for in a pre school. Sending their tiny tots to the school first time is uphill task and here is what most parents go nuts because the baby can not share feedback even after getting admitted. So what bowls out the most parents are - sweet and smart speaking teacher, neat and clean premises and colorful toys. But is that enough ??

Lets spare some time finding it... and remember your search should not start and end online on Internet. You have to step up from your home and step into the probables selected by you, Yes buddy you need to get rid of your comfort zone.

1. Don't go to School Management First - Remember they are the best salesperson and you are the first timer or may be second, So the experience is screwed in favour of them and they know how to treat parents like you and with tried and tested answers. All your queries which you have prepared after deep research on Internet will find a well researched answer which will be good enough to convince you. Remember they have gone through these questions thousands of time before you and well prepared to answer it.

Whoooooaahh. So whats the way out.. Do it differently. Instead of going to school management, take some time out and go to the school at the afternoon pick up time. Observe the kids and observe the parents, disgruntled parents and unhappy children are sign for you to recede from there and look for the next best option. Take some time to chat with the parents and try to get feedback.

2. Flexibility - Play School or Pre School is actually not a school but a playground which prepares your child for schooling so it needs flexibility.

A pre school must give parents flexibility of timing, to drop off and pick up at the preferred timing as much as possible. The reason behind is, your child initially may resist your plan to send him away from you and you may have to pamper/convince in your own way. Vice versa you may have strong urge to see your children back at home sometimes before time. Though it is individual habit and choice but school should be flexible for such adjustments.

3. Exciting Curriculum : Curriculum for pre school may sound as heavy as statistics sounded to you in class 8th but think differently, A Pre school also has curriculum and that too fun filled. So check for play area, outdoor activity , individual activity, recreational facilities, types of creative toys and blocks. Curriculum should be dynamic and progressive with passage of time.

4. Visual Presentation & Color : You may have lost your interest in colors but a child still finds colors as most interesting thing at this age and the learning starts from coloring. Although decoding stimuli of learning for a kid is no less than a rocket science however Colors, Numbers and Letters are assumed to be the first thing which a child learns. So a pre school should have good amount of it in innovative way and in right color. Color of wall and other areas should also be fresh and bright which kids love.

5. Food - Food is something which your child may have imbibed to be cooked at home and may not be liking from elsewhere. It can be otherwise too, i.e. she may relish the variety of foods. It is individual choice completely. Observe your child carefully before taking food decision. If she likes home food you are one of the few lucky parents otherwise look for menu which best suits likes of your child.

6. Teaching Staff : Having said all, Teaching Staff is the most important factor in the decision of pre school. They are the one who is going to lay foundation for your child for lifetime and they must be well qualified and experienced to handle the job. Again, monitoring is better than asking them about it. Monitor their behaviour with the children with emphasis on the body language. Nothing less than well dressed, disciplined, soft spoken and enthusiastic teacher can be your choice. Also, look for the child-teacher ratio which shall be adequate. A low student teacher ratio is directly proportional to more attention being paid to your child.

Getting your kid to a pre school is very important and crucial decision. Once the decision is taken it is not end of responsibility but start of it. You also need to constantly monitor what your child is learning from school and how the things are settling at her end.

I hope it gets you at least some help in your decision. You can comment your view or write to me at